Trudi Jaye

Kick Author Overwhelm To The Curb: A SPA Girls Guide to Calming the Chaos

Kick Author Overwhelm To The Curb: A SPA Girls Guide to Calming the Chaos

Feeling overwhelmed? Panicked?
Frustrated by trying to juggle life, writing and the business of being an author?

Don’t worry, you are not alone. Author Overwhelm is a common and not unsurprising side-effect of being an author today.

Beat Author Overwhelm with this informative, honest and
practical guide that’s full of tips and techniques to become more focused and less stressed. Together, we’ll help you form an action plan that’ll help you manage your time, social media, marketing and actually getting those words written.

The SPA Girls (SPA = Self Publishing Authors) are Cheryl Phipps, Wendy Vella, Trudi Jaye and Shar Barratt. Together, they host a popular weekly podcast, The SPA Girls Podcast, that features an honest, raw and often hilarious take on their own self-publishing adventures. Their mission is to deliver advice, resources, interviews and self-publishing best practices to help fellow authors succeed in this exciting new world.

For inspiration, advice and full podcast episodes, visit us at SpaGirlsPodcast.

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